Servicio de traduccion - Bogotá D.C.

Publicado por Nowadays - Particular

01 Sept 2020 - 07:30

Calle 60 # 9A - 31 Chapinero

As a translation and transcription department of the CENTRO DE IDIOMAS ENGLISH NOWADAYS SAS, formed by professional official translators, with more than 10 years of experience translating from English, French, Chinese Mandarin, Germany and Portuguese to Spanish, Italian and vice versa, to the most varied subjects and the highest policies of confidentiality, we:
1. The highest quality translations, accurate, clear and true to the original for its intended use.
2. Confidentiality.
3. Affordable price.

To translate text and meaning with no mistakes when communicating anywhere in the world. We transform your project into highly focused tools of communication blending words, imagery and calls-to-action.
€¢ Legal translations (contracts, Court Briefs and trade agreements).
€¢ Technical manual, documents and patents.
€¢ Business and financial statements.
€¢ Marketing, advertising and public relations materials.
€¢ Scientific magazines and newspaper articles.
€¢ Business and private correspondence.
€¢ Text and style.
€¢ Glossaries.
€¢ Audio and video translations/ transcriptions.
€¢ Web Pages translation.
€¢ All types of certifications

Highly trained interpreters for international conferences, International Fairs, commercial business meeting and visits in our country. Our interpreters are among the most qualified in the sector and 100% available.
1. Contact our phone number or e-mail below.
2. Send the information or inform us through our e-mail.
3. Immediate response will be sent back to you with information on costs and delivery 
✔No se olvide de mencionar MERCANUNCIOS al llamar!

Ref del anuncio : CO-A3291

Cursos Clases Idiomas

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